Semiotic Analysis Of Films In Cinemas

Cinema is relatively modern in the art world it will hardly be more than a hundred years old ـ movies were once considered a mere pastime and entertainment gradually cinema began to have a profound effect on human social, cultural, and psychological life. Proving to be the most effective art, the influence of films caught the attention of various states and political and religious groups, who began trying to influence films by creating legal and illegal censor boards.

Semiotic Analysis Of Films
Semiotic Analysis Of Films

Where all this was happening at the political level, the process of understanding cinema and discovering its mysteries began at the academic level.

Initially, this department was taken over by various film critics who commented on the artistic merits and demerits of the film. Later, intellectuals and experts started coming to the field who made the film based on the internal dynamics and cultural background of the film. Start academic efforts to understand ـ These intellectuals opened new doors for understanding cinema by laying the foundation for the semiotic and structural study of film ـ

Today, cinema is not simply dismissed as entertainment, but as an academic field. The semiotic analysis of films in the West is popular academically, and a new book is published almost every month in our region. India is far ahead in terms of scientific analysis of cinema

My teacher believes that it is very important to know and understand a few things for the semiotic analysis of films. Even a non-analyst can do a superficial analysis, but it is impossible to go into depth. In this regard, he suggests:

  1. The analyst should first study the language of cinema and be aware of various issues related to it.
  2. It is necessary to get acquainted with the mythology, political and social culture of the society to which the film belongs and the contradictions between different groups and classes.
  3. One should keep an eye on literature and all its discussions
  4. It is also important to understand political ideologies
  5. Human psychology and its various theories should be studied continuously

This was the teacher's opinion. In my opinion, reading these basic books is very important

James Monaco's book How to Read a Film. Similarly, Daniel Arijon's Grammar of the Film Language. Christian Metz's book The Imaginary Signifier. These books are very helpful in understanding the basic themes of cinema.

Similarly, the study of the Russian montage is extremely useful. The Russian montage is in fact a cinematic form of Karl Marx's philosophy of dialectical materialism, which was discovered by communist filmmakers in the former Soviet Union and revolutionized cinema.

A semiotic study is a tool to understand the film in-depth - as an Indian analyst did in a scene from the film Mission Kashmir (2000) in which the hero presents a rose to the heroine and the thorns in the rose injure the heroine's fingers. Analyzing wrote:

"The rose here is not just a rose flower, but a metaphor of the rose of Kashmir, which is obviously beautiful and heartwarming, but at the bottom of it are thorns of various socio-cultural contradictions that are trying to achieve it. Can injure. "

Semitic studies can also be done in different political contexts, such as some Indian liberal film analysts consider the film Hum Aapke Hain Koun (1994) to be an important milestone in the development of Indian cinema. In my view, the film was a successful attempt to bring the working class out of the centre by making capitalist economic ideology a part of Indian cinema, so that even if it is a sign of progress, it is for the capitalists who benefit from the neoliberal economic system. For

Going further, I would like to give another example - the heroines of the films Ram Teri Ganga Meli (1985) and Pardes (1997) are symbolically a symbol of India. The 1985 film preceded the neo-liberal policy in which Raj Kapoor used the Ganges as a metaphor for Indian workers and criticized the exploitative system of feudal culture.

In the second film, Subhash Gayi's Ganga Ganga is a nationalist India facing the conspiracies of external enemies and is safe within India's borders - it is mainly the state's desire to bring its capital to India to the prosperous Indians in the West. Pointing to

Three years ago today, when my dear friend Mr Abid Mir drew me to film comments, I had no idea that there would come a day when all my writing would seem useless. I would make superficial comments on films. After learning about semiotic analysis, when he continued to study and started watching movies in the light of this modern study, he wasted all his time in useless comments. Still, it was too late.

Of course, semiotic analysis of films is more difficult than general commentary, but it is not impossible. This mountain can be climbed by reading and constant practice. I first tried to do a semiotic analysis of the American film The Shawshank Redemption in the Balochi language. The success of this endeavour can only be gauged by a Baloch semiotic analyst in the future. After that, I started trying to convert some of the film commentaries from my book Baskop into the semiotic analysis. The publication of the book was delayed and I was embarrassed in front of Abid Mir


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